Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Changes to Music Video

Some of my music video needs re-filming because of various reasons such as the poor quality and poor planning. Not only do I need to re-film, but I need to re-edit and make the pace faster and match the beat more. I feel my first attempt at a full music video was successful, but could be improved a lot. Changes will include:

  • More of a focus on the puppet: More close-ups of the puppet will be filmed, this will include making the puppet dance to the beat and creating a 'real life' effect, which includes making the puppet look up at its owner and develop more of it's own personality. 
  • There will be less shots of Ant getting ready to leave, as this takes up a lot of time and loses an audiences attention.
  • I'll tidy the area up more, as looking back on the video I've seen typical household items such as towels placed around the house we filmed in, which I didn't notice at the time. 
  • When editing I will make the music video take advantage of the beat of the song more, as it's a good beat to combine image with. I'll will make the pace faster and attempt to make it more interesting for an audience to watch. 

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