Thursday 22 January 2015

Reshoot Planning

The first draft of our music video wasn't to the best of our ability and so to reshoot it would be a good idea. We've planned a day when the town centre will be the least busy and hopefully when the weather will be good, to go and reshoot our previous sequence, as well as shoot more footage. We will attempt to make this new sequence look more professional, and keep the camera movement as smooth as possible. From doing the first draft we were able to see if Owen fit well as the character, and with his experience of drama, it's clear hit fit the role perfectly.
My aim is to link the music video's cinematography to that of my short film (that I am making in film studies) and use similar shot types and also interpret some symmetry into it.

I added events into the calendar to shot the planning process and closer to the time I will check the weather. 
Friday 30th January: Book the camera out and take it home for the weekend.
Saturday 31st January: I will create a cinematography plan as my aim is to focus primarily on that, as it's my favourite aspect of any filming process. I will upload this plan to blogger.
Sunday 1st February: We will begin reshooting our first sequence and then continue with other aspects of the music video.
Monday 2nd February: We will bring the camera back into college and upload the footage onto the macs. Then we will begin to edit again. 

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