Friday 30 January 2015

Ancillary Text Mock Up - Feedback

I asked a number of people to choose which poster mock up and album cover mock up they preferred. The first group of people I asked were my family.
 My mum, dad and sister said they prefer number 2, whereas my brother preferred number one. 
I also asked a few friends and four of them said they prefer number 2, two of them said they prefer number 1 and one of them preferred number 3.

I asked the people who said number 2 was their favourite about why they liked it and they said they felt it looked the most professional and that the layout looked neater than the rest. 


I asked the same group of people (family and friends) which album cover they preferred. 
Six of them preferred number 3, four of them preferred number 1 and one of them preferred number 2.

I asked the people who said number 3 was their favourite about why they liked it the most and they said that it seemed to follow the typical conventions of most album covers and they once again mentioned the word 'professional'. 
    1)2)                                       3)

I used to create a pie chart to show the results of the magazine advert. The results show three people liked advert 1, seven people liked advert 2 and one person like advert 3.

I used to create a bar chart to show the results of my album cover mock ups. The results show that four people liked number 1, one person liked number 2 and six people liked number 3.

Overall, my second magazine advert got the most votes and my third album cover got the most votes. I feel this was a good result and was good to find out as now I know what an audience would like and I can attempt to produce something professional. 

Thursday 29 January 2015

Ancillary Text Mock Ups

Ancillary Text Inspiration: Magazine Adverts

Ancillary Text Research

In my ancillary text research powerpoint I have analysed some album covers and posters from within the indie folk genre, as well as from other genres in order to get ideas and inspiration for my own ancillary texts. I used Google to find images within these genres and talk about their visuals and what aspects I like about them.
I really liked the idea of using nature to represent and reflect the genre and using a photo that has been taken outside. I think using the actual artist in the photo is really reflective as well.

Wednesday 28 January 2015


I have a particular interest in cinematography and I'm working quite largely on it in my film lessons. I thought I could link this specific macro element to my media work as well and try to use certain shots that I like in my own music video. This could link to my love for Wes Anderson and his centred/symmetrical shots.
In our first edit I attempted to create symmetrical shots as I really like the idea of it, it didn't work as well as I wanted as it was an idea I thought of whilst filming and not a lot of thought had been put into it, but now I feel I will attempt it again when we go to film for the second draft.

Another shot I like is done a lot by Wes Anderson as well. The birds eye shot is one of his trademarks and I would really like to incorporate it into my own music video.
I can't really think how I would use this shot, or if it would even work in the music video, but I'm trying to think of ideas where it could be used and could also create a good effect. 

Other shots that we use a lot are medium close ups and close ups, as we want the emotion to be easily seen and felt.
Many of the shots we use are already on our storyboard, but if I choose to add more then I will draw them out and add to the animatic.

Weather For Second Draft

Having good weather for this weekend is quite crucial as, like last time, all of our filming is done outside. My action plan references the weather and I mention about making sure that this time we wear more layers to keep ourselves warm, as it gets quite cold standing in outside locations for long periods of time. We will be filming on the Sunday as town isn't as busy then and the despite the weather being cold, it isn't supposed to rain. We will take coats and umbrellas just to be prepared though.

Faults With First Edit & Action Plan

Our first edit for the music video could have been better and therefore I have thought out an action plan in order to make our next filming day more of a success.
  • Timing was definitely a problem for when we first started filming, as everyone ended up meeting late and because it was a Sunday, I had to get the bus home quite early because they aren't very regular. To improve on this aspect for next time we will all meet at an earlier time, which means having a lot more time to get filming done. 
  • Although we were quite efficient in doing the actual filming, we didn't go to a lot of our locations due to the cold weather. This time it's the full music video that's due in, so we will have to go to all locations and make sure we will still be efficient. 
  • We had a lack of props for our first edit as we didn't manage to collect everything on time. The main prop is the puppet, which obviously we had, but we were missing a bow tie for Owen. We now have a bow tie and so the video will be complete. 
  • The weather wasn't too big of an issue, but it was quite windy and very cold, so next time we will probably have to wear more layers. The good thing about filming in a central area is that there are plenty of coffee shops nearby for us to go and get warm in. 

Friday 23 January 2015

Ancillary Text: Existing Album Covers

Here are some examples of existing album covers that I quite like. I like the minimalism of them and that is something I would like it incorporate into my own digipak. The lack of colour is something that I enjoy and think it makes the covers simple yet effective. I like the idea of not having any text on the album cover, but I don't think that would work very well with my own work. I think the basic text looks good and would work well in bold.  

Thursday 22 January 2015

Reshoot Planning

The first draft of our music video wasn't to the best of our ability and so to reshoot it would be a good idea. We've planned a day when the town centre will be the least busy and hopefully when the weather will be good, to go and reshoot our previous sequence, as well as shoot more footage. We will attempt to make this new sequence look more professional, and keep the camera movement as smooth as possible. From doing the first draft we were able to see if Owen fit well as the character, and with his experience of drama, it's clear hit fit the role perfectly.
My aim is to link the music video's cinematography to that of my short film (that I am making in film studies) and use similar shot types and also interpret some symmetry into it.

I added events into the calendar to shot the planning process and closer to the time I will check the weather. 
Friday 30th January: Book the camera out and take it home for the weekend.
Saturday 31st January: I will create a cinematography plan as my aim is to focus primarily on that, as it's my favourite aspect of any filming process. I will upload this plan to blogger.
Sunday 1st February: We will begin reshooting our first sequence and then continue with other aspects of the music video.
Monday 2nd February: We will bring the camera back into college and upload the footage onto the macs. Then we will begin to edit again.